Sunday, 3 July 2016

Versatile Material – Bamboo


Bamboo is coming to be known as a very versatile material especially in its use as furniture material as it couples durability and good looks. It is also a very eco-sensitive material as it is renewable and easy to raise and use. It also has the quality of simplicity which has perhaps made it very popular all over the world. It happens to be resilient and flexible as well as exotic. Bamboo has a rustic element in it and lends a warm ambience to the environment. It can also be used for sophisticated purposes.

Basically bamboo is available in two colors, the natural shade and a darker amber hue. The natural color is that of maple and furniture in that color can be made to keep it as found in its own surroundings. By steaming the bamboo during the process of manufacture its shade can be darkened. You have to keep in mind the decor and accessories in your room when deciding the choice of color.

A smooth finish can be obtained for the furniture by the process of cutting the stalk into narrow sections which are then glued together. You get a different final appearance from using different faces of the material and the final product may be bamboo plywood or vertical grain panels which are somewhat stronger. The bamboo must be treated chemically for safety from pests and decay. Even oak is not as hard and durable as bamboo in spite of it being the hallmark of strength in the business. Bamboo has many valuable qualities. Bamboo is not as expensive as hardwoods are and thus come easier on the budget. Being a green material it is furthermore suitable in homes. It is also easier to grow again as it sends out shoots after being harvested.

Tables, chairs, cots, bamboo blinds and shades are all products that can be made with this material. Mats of this material give aesthetic appeal to the floor. It is easy to cure and prepare for installation and is softer underfoot than oak. Building houses, fences, bridges, flooring, making utensils, faucets, decorative accents, curtains, bed sheets, plates, wall decors, dinnerware, sporting goods, jewelry, handbags, cutting boards, wind chimes, vases and all kinds of wooden things - you name it - it is there in bamboo. It is supposed to be auspicious as a harbinger of health, happiness and long life. Even musical instruments can be made using the hollow stalk for sounding and being a strong material it can even be used in the construction of canoes, zeppelins and planes. As it blends with the landscape you can make a screen out of it too. This down-to-earth, practical plant has a beauty about it and is very affordable in addition.

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