Thursday, 7 July 2016

Environment Friendly Systems

Environment Friendly Systems

 Environment Friendly Systems

The industry is now replete with eco-friendly catch phrases like carbon credits, green buildings and energy efficiency. The latest technology is now being harnessed to meet these demands by companies in the business of temperature regulation and ventilation.

That using an efficient, environment-friendly system is in keeping with business sense is what companies are becoming aware of. Retailers in Europe and the US spend 2% of their proceeds on only electricity and now all are demanding that the figure comes down. Retailers in India too are beginning to realize the importance of such matters and how they affect profit margins
There are always innovations for energy efficiency. For example, Sanyo possesses an eco-store management system for regulating the load on air-conditioning, refrigeration and lighting. In China and Japan this system has been seen to have a 10% to 40% reduction in load. They have introduced the system in Reliance Hyper Martin Jamnagar.

The same company also possesses air-conditioning systems running on CNG and LPG rather than electricity which will become a popular technology because of the frequent power cuts in India. Commercial establishments are lured by carbon credits. They're willing to invest once they can see business sense in it. Before the awareness and availability of environment-friendly products reaches the public it will take time but young educated middle class Indians in particular are now becoming aware of it.

A common sight in the consumer durables space is the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS), that has star ratings for energy efficiency. There is however, no legislation for commercial spaces as yet. In countries abroad even a certificate for cleaning of an air-conditioner duct has to be compulsorily shown to the health department. As we are going through a construction boom now it would be the ideal time for the government to bring in legislation in this matter.

In the area of emission control existing refrigerants such as R22 are being done away with by companies as they are ozone depleting and variants that do not affect ozone such as R410 and R404 are being brought in. Some are changing to carbon dioxide technology that eliminates heat but does not affect ozone levels.

Only the IT/ITeS, biotechnology, telecom, hospitality and retail sectors seem to have awareness and sensitivity in this matter. The HVAC equipment in a commercial space uses as much as 55% of the energy bill. There is much scope for improvement and innovation.

The proper usage and maintenance of equipment is as important as the installation and companies often do not realize this and go from green to grey. All departments are involved in the planning of a green building from the architect to the mechanical engineer to the electrical department. They must collaborate and work to utilize materials and equipment in the best way.

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Improve Your Home Environment through Fengshui

Improve Your Home Environment through Fengshui

 Improve Your Home Environment through Fengshui

The art of science of Fengshui is increasingly gaining recognition among real estate professionals and even in town planning, and is closely related to the practice of Vaastu. It is basically a tool to harmonize and align the dwelling place and is concerned with the flow of 'Chi' the Chinese term for movement of energy, in order to release blocked energy which may have an effect in the corresponding areas of our lives. Nowadays, Fengshui is known to maintain the value of real estate holdings and even in countries like the USA and Canada, buyers often prefer a property that has been approved by a Fengshui expert.

Fengshui gives importance and relevance to the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal. It focuses on aligning the general layout of the dwelling and creating a balance in order to enhance the flow of Chi. It seeks to do this through the strategic placing of doors, windows, furniture, cots and stove. In addition, factors such as ventilation, the source of water and levels of the land must be in the right order so that the right place, approach and tuning can be achieved.

Nowadays there are many self-styled experts on Vaasthu and Fengshui who have distorted their use through offers like 'single window' services, often lumping it together with gemology, astrology and numerology. It has become non-functional because of the wrong advice imparted by such folk to clients. One must also remember that there is no dwelling which can be described as being 100% Vaasthu or Fengshui perfect. It certainly does not offer a remedy for controlling the force of birth of death, but rather improves our capacity to think and function better.

In Singapore, the town has been planned in keeping with the Fengshui texts known as the 'secrets of the 5 dragons,' that involve mountains, water resources and the movement of traffic as mean of creating prosperity for the country. In Taiwan and Malaysia, services of Fengshui experts are often used to assess the value of the property and to increase its worth before offering it to prospective buyers. Fengshui services are included in the offer of a single window service by The Appraisal Institute of Canada. Some great international corporations such as the Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank and Morgan Guaranty Trust in Hong Kong and Taiwan do not hesitate to employ experts in this art for the help.

From the perspective of Fengshui, a house is not just a physical structure but is an entity that can either nurture your life or undermine it. It believes that the flow of Chi is what really decides the value of your property. People are automatically attracted to a home that has an abundance of positively flowing chi. There is a distinct relationship between the value of a property and good Fengshui. Homes with good Chi often command high prices in any neighborhood. Those homes that sit on the market longest are the ones in which energy is blocked and stagnant.

Earlier it was considered ideal for a home to have the famous Chinese green dragon-white tiger design in it. This means that there should be certain levels in the house, e.g. the back should be higher than the front and the right side should be lower than the left. This was supposed to protect the centre of the house and was known as the armchair design. Since it is difficult to create such levels in modern day life and as we cannot control the shapes of neighbouring buildings, one could adapt the method by planting trees or using lights mounted on poles to create a higher back effect in a house.

Some guidelines are available to ensure that your house is in harmony with the principles of Fengshui. One could explore the area to see if the design is harmonious and has a sense of beauty. Environmental pollution, the condition of sewage drains and the presence of high tension wires etc., could be noted. The appearance of the front door of the house is important. A front door has the ability to either welcome you or drive you away. Opportunities are supposed to enter through it and it should convey a feeling of pride.

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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Renovating old buildings

Renovating old buildings

 Renovating old buildings

Renovating old buildings are not as easy as they Prima facie look to be. Renovation of old buildings may be required for several factors such as natural wear and tear, change in the ownership and change in the requirement. The first and foremost thing before commencement of any renovation work is to identify the type of renovation needed. After identifying the type of renovation, one should not straight away proceed to execute this job since, the Owner may not be aware of the intricacies involved therein. It is better to seek assistance of an Expert, a Civil Engineer/Architect.

Renovation may be major or minor. No clear-cut groupings as to which one falls under minor renovation and which one under major renovation is possible. However, certain general broad classifications of works can be mentioned. Providing or shifting of electrical, plumbing, sanitary fittings, arresting leakage in water pipes, tanks, taps and seepage into the walls can be considered to fall under the category of minor renovation.

Major renovation may be demolition and construction of a portion of the building, which includes re-doing of floors, total electrical rewiring, painting, polishing of doors and windows, grills, replacement of gates, sanitary fittings and remodeling of rooms to suit Vaasthu to cite a few.

The first and foremost step for renovation is to identify and to take stock of the nature and extent of additions and alterations, their implication on the structural system of the present building and its feasibility. It is also necessary to have an estimated figure of expenditure. For a layman, it is very difficult to visualise all these in a scientific way. Therefore, utilisation of services of an Expert is necessary. Experts like Civil Engineers or Architects can undertake this job with much ease and perfection.  

They also know the work force required and can supervise the work for better and quick result. This would involve in saving unnecessary expenditure. Failure to take help of Experts would generally lead to spending more money and time with a lot of tension to the Owner.

However, it is not easy to get services of Experts for such jobs as the money involved may be very paltry when compared to the expenditure involved in the construction of new houses.  But, with proper persuasion and search, one may find the services of an Expert and the renovation/alteration work can be carried out under his supervision/advice.Though it may cost the Owner additional expenditure for remuneration for the Expert, it is really worth spending as the benefit one gets from such service would be more than what he pays for such service.

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Monday, 4 July 2016

Master Bedroom



There is nothing like your own master bedroom for getting away from all stress-producing elements and having a warm and cozy retreat to relax. Before you set about the task of designing the room you must choose a suitable theme according to your budget and taste. There should not be a cluttered appearance and the room should be welcoming at all times.

Before choosing the furniture it is sensible to measure the space in the bedroom. If you invest in a dresser and chest of drawers it will be a convenient place that will house your clothing and linen and could also be used as a table top to keep a TV or a music system. Vertical cupboards should provide you a lot of space for your clothes. A chest of drawers could be placed at the foot of your bed for storing books and articles. A sleek bed of steel may be ideal as it won't take up much place. Or you could use a bed of dark wood made with a geometric look.

It is very important to have the right lighting in your bedroom. It should be balanced according to the intensity of light required. You may need brighter light for reading and at the same time it should be relaxing and soothing. For this you could use dimmers on the switches to regulate the level of light. Bedside lamps may be more convenient for you and if you have a dressing table where you put on your makeup you should have the correct intensity of lighting with the possibility of changing it according to the time of day.

Walls should be painted in neutral or cozy colors and can be used to display pictures with evocative themes. Family heirlooms may also be hung on the walls. If space permits keep a large mirror so that the room may appear more spacious.

A place for storage-cum-seating is found at the window seat. You should have suitable curtains to keep out light and the seat should be comfortable. If you desire more privacy you could install wooden blinds.

A soft mattress with pillows and a duvet to go with it are a must. You should have matching bed sheets and pillow covers with a few decorative cushions thrown in here and there.

To get that extra touch of luxury have some rugs and place one where your feet hit the floor on getting up. Don't allow conformity to a theme to create the need to display too many articles. Aim for comfort and a bright welcoming appearance to your bedroom. It should be a place that lifts your mood as soon as you enter it.

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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Versatile Material – Bamboo


Bamboo is coming to be known as a very versatile material especially in its use as furniture material as it couples durability and good looks. It is also a very eco-sensitive material as it is renewable and easy to raise and use. It also has the quality of simplicity which has perhaps made it very popular all over the world. It happens to be resilient and flexible as well as exotic. Bamboo has a rustic element in it and lends a warm ambience to the environment. It can also be used for sophisticated purposes.

Basically bamboo is available in two colors, the natural shade and a darker amber hue. The natural color is that of maple and furniture in that color can be made to keep it as found in its own surroundings. By steaming the bamboo during the process of manufacture its shade can be darkened. You have to keep in mind the decor and accessories in your room when deciding the choice of color.

A smooth finish can be obtained for the furniture by the process of cutting the stalk into narrow sections which are then glued together. You get a different final appearance from using different faces of the material and the final product may be bamboo plywood or vertical grain panels which are somewhat stronger. The bamboo must be treated chemically for safety from pests and decay. Even oak is not as hard and durable as bamboo in spite of it being the hallmark of strength in the business. Bamboo has many valuable qualities. Bamboo is not as expensive as hardwoods are and thus come easier on the budget. Being a green material it is furthermore suitable in homes. It is also easier to grow again as it sends out shoots after being harvested.

Tables, chairs, cots, bamboo blinds and shades are all products that can be made with this material. Mats of this material give aesthetic appeal to the floor. It is easy to cure and prepare for installation and is softer underfoot than oak. Building houses, fences, bridges, flooring, making utensils, faucets, decorative accents, curtains, bed sheets, plates, wall decors, dinnerware, sporting goods, jewelry, handbags, cutting boards, wind chimes, vases and all kinds of wooden things - you name it - it is there in bamboo. It is supposed to be auspicious as a harbinger of health, happiness and long life. Even musical instruments can be made using the hollow stalk for sounding and being a strong material it can even be used in the construction of canoes, zeppelins and planes. As it blends with the landscape you can make a screen out of it too. This down-to-earth, practical plant has a beauty about it and is very affordable in addition.

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